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ulogd 1.23 - Userspace Packet Logging for netfilter
Harald Welte <>

ulogd is a replacement for traditional syslog-based logging (using the LOG target) in iptables-based firewalls. ULOG/ulogd has a different concept. Packets get copied to a special logging daemon, which can do very detailed logging to different targets (plaintext files, MySQL databases, ...). ulogd supports plugins for different output formats, as well as for new protocols/...
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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ipqmpd 0.3 - IP Queue Multiplex Daemon
Harald Welte <>

Normally, only one process at a time can use the QUEUE target provided by netfilter, the Linux 2.4 firewalling subsystem. ipqmpd solves this problem by acting as a multiplexer between the QUEUE target and multiple processes. The package includes a compatibility library (libipqmpd) which makes porting from the netfilter-provided libipq easy.
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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netfilter-tools 0.0 - Tools for the Linux 2.4 netfilter subsystem
Harald Welte <>

This package contains most of my work for netfilter. It is more a collection of different stuff than one contiguous package. Content includes: documentation, IRC nat/conntrack, TTL match/target, sample code for libipq (ip_queue), thoughts about current work and all of my past and present patches.
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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UUCP over SSL HOWTO 1.9 - Tunneling UUCP over SSL/TLS
Harald Welte <>

A small HOWTO describing the setup of UUCP over SSL. It covers setup/configuration of the UUCP master and slave, using stunnel-3 or alternatively stunnel-4. Using the setup described in this document, you can combine the power of the decade-old UUCP protocol with recent SSL/TLS security.
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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packetjourney 1.4 - A packet's journey through the Linux 2.4 network stack
Harald Welte <>

Document describing the journey of a single network packet through the linux 2.4 network stack. The main focus is on forwarded IPv4 packets
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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chroot-HOWTO 1.4 - chroot-HOWTO for an RPM-based chroot() environment
Harald Welte <>

Document describing how to set up a chroot() environment for a combined web- and ftp-server using RedHat 6.2, Apache and ProFTPd.
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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conntrack+nat-helper-HOWTO 1.4 -
Harald Welte <>

This HOWTO describes how to write connection traciking and NAT helper modules for netfilter, the Linux 2.4 firewall subsystem
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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skb documentation 1.3 - struct sk_buff documentation
Harald Welte <>

Description of the Linux network buffers (skb's, sk_buff's) and their API
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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kerneli24 test9-laf4 - The international kernel patch for 2.4.x
Harald Welte <>

This is the first working development port of the international kernel patch to recent 2.4.0-testX kernels. Please see the kerneli homepage for official releases.
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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asis 0.1 - Asynchronous Streaming IMAP Synchronizer
Harald Welte <>

Synchronizes remote IMAP mailboxes to local maildir-style mailboxes. Uses tagged commands to work fast on high-latency links. Replicates state-changes like message-read, message-flagged, ... to the server
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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reveng-tools 0.0 - firmware reverse engineering tools
Harald Welte <>

A set of handy tools for reverse engineering linux based firmware images of embedded devices. This can be useful if you want to find out about people infringing your copyright in embedded systems.
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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bookmarkdb 0.0 - MySQL based bookmark database
Harald Welte <>

A MySQL backend based database for storing large bookmark collection. Includes a CGI-based web frontend and a script for XBEL export.
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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linwrap (aka grouter) 0.01 - Gnumonks Router
Harald Welte <>

A fork of the wdist (wisp-dist) project, which is in turn a variant of the LEAF Project, which in turn based on LRP (Linux Router Project). It's a small distribution intended to run on embedded (x86 for now) hardware such as the pcengines WRAP platform. It's fully 2.6.x based and supports ssh, opevpn, vlan, tcpdump, iptables, arptables, ebtables, ...
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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netfilter/iptables - The linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x packet filter
Harald Welte <>

The Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x packet filtering, NAT and packet mangling subsystem
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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© 1999-2004 by Harald Welte

ct_sync - ip_conntrack synchronization
Harald Welte <>

A solution for synchronization of connection tracking state between multiple firweall nodes.
License: GPL
Category: undefined
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